Definition of the centre


Democratic and Human Rights Development Centre (DHRD) is none political and independent LNGO. Mainly believes in complying with the laws and respecting the general human right principles. It essaying to realize a modern society creates a democratic spirit, respecting human's ambitions and complying with the honest laws.

The main aims of the center are:

  1. Develop the principles of civil society and equality under the laws.
  2. Verbalizing the general opinion in order to change the laws on a manner witch is suitable with the principles of the human rights.
  3. Observe the foundation of power division and to censorship independency of the courts.
  4. Compensate the victims of the wrong laws.
  5. To support those whom the law doesn't protect their rights .

DHRD structure contain two boards:

A) board of trustees and they are the mentioned members :

Nr Name Job
1 Azad Rostam Abdollah Lawyer
2 Saman Fouzi Omar University teacher
3 Kamaran Mahmoud Mohammad Lawyer
4 Khandan Mohammad Jaza Director of Women Center
5 Fallah Morankhan Shakar Lawyer

Board of Directors and they are the mentioned members:

Nr Name Expertise Duty inside the
1 Sarwar Ali Jaffar Lawyer Manager
2 Omeed Amin Karim Writer Deputy manager
(responsible of the finance)
3 Talar Latif Mohammed Lawyer Responsible of the project
4 Karzan Abdulfazel Lawyer Responsible of the informations
5 Sardasht Abdulrahman Majeed Technical diploma Relations
6 Taha Omar Rasheed University Teacher Active member

The activities of the centre:

  • Boosting a note to the Kurdish National council about the difference between male and female and to not to permit this.

  • Becoming members of a special board for supporting women’s in jail, there where representant of more than 20 organizations in this board. It was possible to make the situation for the women’s in jail for most of the part better.

  • Becoming members of a special board especially to emphasize about those women who were send to Egypt by the Iraqi intelligence office.

  • Project to collect and to classify those documents witch can be used to condemn the heads of the Bath Party. This project took one year and three months in witch included the following activities:

    1. After the process of the liberation of Iraq in 2003 we created a group witch we named “opposition group”. Beside DHRD some other organizations became members. This group had the purpose to draw the public to the trial of Saddam Hussein and the heads of the Bath Party.
    2. Boosting some notes to the Kurdish national council for the aim to set down a law and a court in Kurdistan especially meant for the criminals of the Bath regime.
    3. Creating a workshop especially meant for the criminals of the Bath regime. This workshop took 3 days where the subjects about the internal crimes were presented and many members of parliament, lawyers and human right organizations were participating in this workshop.
    4. Our centre has signed a contract with the ministry of human rights (Suleymanie office) with the purpose to collect and to classify the documents. This project took 2 months from 07/08/2004 till 07/10/2004. 11 lawyers were working on this project and they were able to collect many documents. After separating the documents by means of the crime like Anfal, chemical attacks and execution the documents could be classified. After this 2 copies of these documents was handed over to the ministry of human rights so it could be presented to the court, especially meant for crimes against human rights, from their side. This project was chosen as the most successful project in Iraq that was able to arrange documents on a scholar and justice manner against the criminals of the fallen regime. Because the successes of the project representatives of the court especially meant for the crimes against human rights from Baghdad visited the project and looked how the project was arranged.

  • Project of co-existing peacefully : This project was arranged in the area of Hawraman with the cooperation of the organizations CDO and NPA from Norway .The areas of (Biare, Zardahal, Balkha, Soosakan, Tawela) took benefit from this project. This project tried to encourage the of destroying the allergy of different thoughts, religions and political thinking, witch was remained from the fundamentalist. All the different views should live peacefully together. They should solve their problems on with dialogue. This project took 6 months and a group of 25 people from the areas that we have mentioned before were chosen to take part in this project. In a period of 2 months lectures about the following subject (upholding the law, human rights, elections, solving problems with dialogue…) were lectured to them by a academicals lecturer. Afterwards this group pointed out some society, politically and partial problems of the society and solved them in the needed time of the project.

  • Awareness project about law and human rights for the employees of the courts in the Suleymanie region, this with the cooperation of both the organizations DAI and OTI , In this project 30 employees were participating and the project took 4 months. In this period some issues about law and human rights and how to investigate at the times of the offending. Also some lectures like, democracy, modern society and terror were lectured. In the third and fourth month the participants were asked to write rapport about their own researches. These reports were examined by the lecturers. After the ending of the project the ministry of justice took an oath of them to do research work in the police offices. We should mention that the lectures were lectured by some lawyers and university teachers.

  • Project about democratic dialogues: The American organization RTI was cooperating in this project :This project started from 15/07/2004 and it took 4 months. This project was arranged to start a democratic dialogue about the subjects, democracy, law, modern society and elections in all the walks of life in the areas… In this project some organizations were participating and DHRD arranged this project in the areas of Rania, Arbat and Warmawa.

  • Project of translating brochures and books: Our organization translated some brochures and books about torture and investigation before court with the cooperation of the ministry of human rights.

  • Election projects witch includes the followings:

    1. Monitoring the Election in (eye network ): DHRD was one of the 24 organizations who monitor the general elections on 30/01/2005 in the areas of Suleymanie. DHRD participated with 21 supervisors in the cities of Suleymanie, Ranie, Baynjan, Brayeti and Sarkawtan. We should mention that the organization NDI cooperates in the supervising.
    2. Monetoring the Election in (Sun network): In this project wherein 10 organizations were participating, DHRD took part of the elections with 10 supervisors on 30/01/2005.
    3. To encourage people for elections: This project was arranged in the period from 20/01/2005 till 29/01/2005. In this project DHRD handed out brochures especially meant for the elections and spoke some massages out by speakers in the streets of Ranie, this to encourage the people to go to the elections.

  • Becoming a member in a project of programming the human rights: this project started in 10/01/2004 with the duration of one year and six months. This project tries to make the constitutions of the human rights a lecture in the primary and secondary and high schools. On this manner it was able to create a suitable lecture for all the three schools. And these lectures are lectured on a non-academically manner in 16 schools in the areas of Suleymanie. If this project will be successful this lecture will become a lecture in all the schools in the area of Suleymanie.

  • Project of advocacy training: this project includes the training for the citizens in generally, the industrial and the non-government organizations about how to advocate mechanisms of pressure. This project was arranged in the areas of Khanaqeen, Kifree, Kalar, Qarahanjeer and Shewan. In this areas 3 workshops were presented about these subject.

    1. Pluralism and handing over of power in a democratic system
    2. The political rights.
    3. The modern society organizations and the pressure groups.

    The American organizations, DAI and OTI, were cooperating in this project. This project will start 01/12/2004 and it will take 3 months to finish.

  • Implementing a new course for judicial administrative employee which funded by NPA and UNDP, this project started at 1/4/2005 till 1/7/2005 by participating “30” employees.

  • Project for fighting the corruption in the administrations: we started this project in cooperation with CDO and the project was funded by ( ISCP ) in two month from ( 26-6-2005 until 28-8-2005 ) this project took place in two steps , in the first step we started with a training for 25 legal advisers from government employees and during five weeks they got many information's about the subjects of law and administration and the criminals against official employer , and in the second step we organized a conference in (20&21-8-2005 ) and in this conference we present some researches about the facts of corruption and the solutions for them , many lawyers and officials participated in this conference and as a result we prepared many recommendations which we sent them to the office of the prime ministers and some branches of government.

  • Constitution Dialog: this project funded by ( NDI ) in one month period started from ( 5-7-2005 to 8-8-2005 ) and the idea of this project was collecting the idea of the population about the draft of Iraqi constitution in Iraq and after collecting these ideas sending it to Governing counsel to take care about the population felling in written this draft

  • Female lead Mobile team for following women problems: we started this project with WADI e.V. , this team consists one female lawyer and one social worker and their main activities are following the social and legal problems of the women who visit the women canters in Sulaimanyah , halabja and Hawraman area , this project started in 1-7-2005 and it will continuo until 31-12-2006 .

  • Preparing recommendation for new NGO law in Kordostan: This project was funded by (ICSP ) and it took place in two month starting from 1-10-2005 to 31-11-2005 , in two stage one on them started with many workshops about the term and the background of civil society and the resresentant of 20 organization participated in the workshop days , and in the second stage we organized a two day conference in (25,26-11-2005 ) in this conference 8 researchers presented 4 research about this topic , and because of the important of this topics ( ICSP ) Organization prolonged this project in Arbil dated (28,29-11/2005) and nearly all the local organization in kordostan participated in this conference and voted for the final recommendations which in a near future we will send them to the kordish parliament in order to write a modern law and organize the civil society activities in a flexible way .

  • Besides of that DHRD participated in some defence activities : in case of (DOPS )Department of Physiologist Canter in ministry of education we participated creation of a board from19 organizations and dated 10-8-2005 all these organization together decided to select us to represent them in defending this branch and until now this board is exists in continuing with this case .

Finally our organization participated in many trainings & courses in Britain and Jordan about the topics of elections, human rights and law.